Sacrament serves as your hub or home base in No Rest for the Wicked. This is where you’ll buy and sell to vendors, repair your gear, own your home, and complete building projects to upgrade the town. Completing those projects will unluck new crafting stations. It will also expedite your path from one location to another, give you more options to choose from when purchasing from vendors, and more. This guide covers all Sacrament building projects, their cost, and some tips when upgrading your town.
All Sacrament Building Projects
Each building project costs a set amount of materials, and takes time to complete. Once the time is up the project will be completed. Listed below are all of the building projects, and their associated costs for their first upgrade:
Name | Cost | Description | Time |
Lodgings Staircase | 2 Pine Wood, 1 Copper Ore | Allows for easy access to Sacrament’s Marketplace from your lodging | 15 minutes |
Whittacker’s Crafting Shack | 10 Pine Wood, 5 Copper Ore | Unlocks the workbench for crafting furniture & utensils; Unlocks the sawmill to refine wood into planks | 1 Hour |
Fillmore’s Smithy | 10 Pine Wood, 5 Copper Ore | Unlocks the anvil for crafting weapons and armors; Unlocks the furnace to refine ore into ingots | 1 Hour |
Rookery Elevator | 10 Spruce Wood, 5 Iron Ore, 3 Clay | Repairs the elevator that can carry passengers from near the town square all the way up to the Rookery | 4 Hours |
Caroline’s Inn | 10 Pine Wood, 5 Copper Ore | Opens the Dusty Inn that offers various beds that restore one’s health when slept in overnight | 1 Hour |
Mira and Meri’s Tailor Shop | 10 Pine Wood, 5 Copper Ore | Unlocks the sewing table for crafting cloth and leather armor; Unlocks the spinning wheel to refine threads into garments | 1 Hour |
Gallows Scaffolding | 10 Pine Wood, 5 Copper Ore | Danos will finish building a scaffolding and staircase which connect the gallows above the town square with the northern part of the city | 1 Hour |
Grinnich’s General Goods | 10 Pine Wood, 5 Copper Ore | Upgrades Grinnich’s market stand to level 2. Grinnich will now be able to offer a wider variety of items and utilities | 1 Hour |
Eleanor’s Enchantment Shop | 10 Pine Wood, 5 Copper Ore | Upgrades Eleanor’s Enchanment shop to level 2. The shop is now able to offer a wider variety of gems. She’ll also be able to enchant armor and weapons with a wider variety of enchantments | 1 Hour |
Gordon’s Pantry** | 10 Pine Wood, 5 Copper Ore | Upgrade to Gordon’s restaurant, offering more ingredients, cooked meals, and access to the Stove for cooking more advanced meals. | 1 Hour |
** Gordon’s Pantry is only available to upgrade after you rescue Gordon in the quest The Innkeeper’s Wife.
Level 3 Upgrade
After the initial upgrade of some of the buildings they can be upgraded again to reach level 3. Some of the projects, such as the lodging staircase, are a one time upgrade. Listed below are all of the projects that can be upgraded to level 3:
Name | Cost | Description | Time |
Whittacker’s Crafting Shack | 10 Spruce Wood, 5 Iron Ore, 5 Clay | A superior Workbench allows for crafting even more advanced furniture and utensils. Also features improved sawmill that can refine wood into planks even fast than before. | 4 Hours |
Fillmore’s Smithy | 10 Spruce Wood, 5 Iron Ore, 5 Clay | A superior anvil that allows for crafting even more advanced weapons and armor. Also unlocks additional items, such as silver ingots, that can be purchased from the vendor. | 4 Hours |
Caroline’s Inn | 10 Spruce Wood, 5 Iron Ore, 5 Clay | The Dusty Loom will grow further and draw in more of the community. Caroline will also be able to offer various beds that restore one’s health when slept in overnight. | 4 Hours |
Mira and Meri’s Tailor Shop | 10 Spruce Wood, 5 Iron Ore, 5 Clay | A more advanced sewing table allows for crafting even stronger cloth and leather armors. Also features an improved spinning wheel to refine threads into garments even faster than before. | 4 Hours |
Grinnich’s General Goods | 10 Spruce Wood, 5 Iron Ore, 5 Clay | Upgrades Grinnich’s Market Stand to level 3. Grinnich will be able to offer a wider variety of items and utilities. | 4 Hours |
Eleanor’s Enchantment Shop | 10 Spruce Wood, 5 Iron Ore, 5 Clay | Upgrades Eleanor’s Enchantment shop to level 3. Eleanor will be able to offer a wider variety of gems for sale. She’ll also be able to enchant armors and weapons with a wider variety of enchantments. | 4 Hours |
Gordon’s Pantry** | 10 Pine Wood, 5 Copper Ore | Upgrade to Gordon’s restaurant to level 3. Gordon will be able to offer a wider variety of ingredients and cooked meals. A more advanced stove will allow for cooking even more advanced meals. | 4 Hours |
How to Construct Buildings
Listed above are all of the projects you can start or buildings you can construct within Sacrament. However, in order to do so you will first need to find the NPC named Danos. You will first meet Danos after completing the Sacrament questline. You’ll find him after you stay the night in the Rookery and are given your temporary quarters by the Watcher and his apprentice Roan.
After that point you’ll be able to find Danos in the town circle. From the market square, head up to the circle to the door to the war room. Danos will be in red to the right of the stairwell. Interacting with Danos will give you the option for building projects.

What to Construct First
It’s recommended that you build the Sacrament lodging staircase as soon as possible. It’s very cheap to build, and it gives you a much needed shortcut from the market square to the top of the Rookery. This will allow you to have quick access to your quarters and your early game storage container.
After that an upgrade to Fillmore’s smithy is great for early game. This will allow you to smelt ore into to ingots and make weapons and armor. This is especially useful if you plan on running a heavy armor build. However, if you’re planning a light build you may want to opt for Mira and Meri’s Tailor Shop.
Next, Caroline’s Inn would be a great choice. This is one of the few places you can restore health without consuming meals. Therefore, building the inn can help out tremendously in the early game too.
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