Welcome to our Throne and Liberty Weapon Mastery System guide. In this guide, we’ll provide a full overview of the Mastery System, along with everything you need to know to navigate the system. Masteries give players the ability to choose nodes and pathways to unlock interesting and strong powers for your weapons.
Weapon Mastery System Overview
Each weapon has its own set of unique upgrades to assist your preferred combat style. At its core, the Weapon Mastery System is broken down into several “rings”
- Common
- Uncommon
- Rare
- Epic
The Mastery Tree is broken down into four main categories, to help understand the path(s) you’re committing to:
- Attack: Aggressive and Damage-focused changes to your playstyle.
- Tactics: A higher focus on utility, Crowd Control and De-buffs.
- Defense: Cutting back on your damage capabilities in order to provide higher sustain, tankiness and more.
- Support: Interesting twists on existing parts of your weapons kit.
Make sure to play around with the above and see where your playstyle lands best!
Weapon XP and Leveling
Using Weapon Mastery XP gained through various activities in Throne and Liberty, you can level up weapons of your choice. This then allows you to allocate Mastery Points to build your selected options in each weapon tree you wish to commit to.
Obtaining XP is also easy, simply play the game and complete content. For example, the weekly Taedal’s Tower Contract Scrolls or Daily Contract Rights. Each piece of content in the game rewards you with a number of “Weapon Master Seal”. Each seal awards 10,000 Weapon Mastery XP.
Once consumed, the total amount of XP gained sits un-allocated in your Weapon Mastery System tab. Afterwards, you can check inside the Mastery menu, you can press “Level up” in the bottom left, bringing up a new menu to allocate XP.
As seen above, with any available Mastery XP available, you can also freely allocate the XP among your entire weapon collection! Leveling the weapons using the XP is the only way to obtain Mastery Points for your respective weapons tree.
Nodes on the Weapon Mastery System represent each potential path you can take to upgrade your playstyle. Additionally, Nodes are broken down into “Ring” placements with a corresponding rarity (in this case, Common, Uncommon, Rare and Epic). To progress through to the outer rings, a total amount of points spent in the previous ring is required. For example, to unlock the Uncommon ring and your first potential talent – you’ll need to spend 30 points anywhere in the Common ring.
Before you can commit any points to a Node, you’ll also have to “Unlock” them. For example, the Epic tier Attack Node “Violent Blast” needs items to be Unlocked first. As a result, keep building on your resources so you can unlock all the Nodes you want. Once unlocked, however, the Nodes remaining unlocked forever – even if you switch weapons!
Typically, most nodes and talents have activation conditions such as X amount of Mastery Points committed to the tree or even requiring a previous talent within the same type. As a result, make sure to check your build meets the criteria required before pushing to commit. Do not worry, however, as you can reset Nodes at any time for free, should you want to try out other paths.
Finally, each minor Node (usually the Nodes that provide simple stat increases) can be leveled up to 10 times. This means a total of 10 Mastery Points can be committed into a single Node. It is also worth paying attention to some of the Nodes having a positive AND negative effect, as this can affect your build ideas!
Weapon Mastery Conversion
The committed Weapon Mastery XP you have in your weapons at any time stay within those weapons. However, you have the option to convert any committed Weapon Mastery XP to another weapon. This is achieved through the use of Weapon Mastery Conversion Books. Currently, these can only be bought through the Shop with Lucent. Although, it is likely to pop up as rewards in Battle Passes and Events.

Throne and Liberty Weapon Mastery System Guide Conclusion
That concludes our Weapon Mastery System guide overview! Each and every decision you make in the tree can impact your gameplay. For more information on Weapon Mastery and Throne and Liberty, check out our builds and more!