Crossbow - Daggers

Greatsword - Crossbow

Spear - Longbow

Spear - Dagger

Crossbow - Staff

Greatsword - Dagger

Longbow - Staff

Spear - Greatsword

Greatsword - Staff

Longbow - Dagger

Staff - Dagger

Spear - Staff

Sword & Shield - Greatsword

Sword & Shield - Spear

Sword and Shield - Dagger

Sword & Shield - Longbow

Sword and Shield - Wand


Welcome to our Runes guide for Throne and Liberty. In this guide, we’ll explain and outline the Rune Systems mechanics, usage and most importantly – how to progress.

What are Runes in Throne and Liberty?

Runes serve as an incremental late-game power upgrade after reaching your best-in-slot gear options. Specific types of gear slots act as a home for up to 3 runes in each slot. Each slot can provide increased offensive, defensive and supportive stats, allowing for a lot of customization.

There is a total of 7 gear slots that host runes:

  • Weapon 1
  • Weapon 2
  • Belt
  • Ring 1
  • Ring 2
  • Necklace
  • Bracer
Throne and Liberty Runes Guide rune slots locked

As you continue to drop more runes through content, they’ll have chances to progressively level up upon dropping. Each rune can eventually provide a ton of free stats. Rune level, rarity and synergies all provide an increase to your combat power.

Rune Types

In Throne and Liberty, there is three Archetypes that decide the type of stat the runes provide:

  • Attack: Red runes that boost offensive stats such as Hit, Critical Hit and Heavy Attack Chance.
  • Defense: Blue runes that boost defensive stats such as Max Health, Evasion and more.
  • Support: Amber runes that provide various effects such as Amitoi Heal %, Skill Damage Resistance and other Resistances.

How to unlock Rune Sockets

Each eligible piece of gear with locked Rune Sockets can have their sockets unlocked with Sollant. Sollant is required to unlock each socket on gear, however, you can select the Rune socket type you want and pay to re-roll the socket should you need to change it.

Rune Fragments

Rune Fragments can be gathered by breaking down Runes you no longer require. With these fragments you can craft specific Rune Chests at the Stonegard crafters.

Rune Synergies

Once you have all 3 rune sockets opened, depending on the order of socket types, you can unlock a “synergy” for that item. The type and strength of the rune synergy you have on the piece of gear depends on rarity of the runes and order of the rune types.

throne and liberty runes guide synergy list

As seen above, you’ll have access to various power boosts depending on your rune type order. As a result, unlocking your rune sockets for your desired combination is a must. However, you should keep in mind that even if you have two Rare runes slotted and a single Uncommon rune slotted – you’ll always get the lowest grade synergy (in this case, Uncommon).

Once you have your desired synergy, simply slot each rune that matches the rune type into the item and you’ll unlock the synergy.

Upgrading Runes

Each individual rune within the three types available carry their own “rune level”. This rune level is like a watermark that tracks and levels up over time. Leveling up runes in Throne and Liberty requires you to repeatedly drop or “obtain” these runes. Each time a rune drops, it has a chance of dropping as a higher level version than your current best of that rune.

There is a few methods to grind for large amounts of runes:

Challenge Dungeons

Challenge Dungeons provide the most consistent yield of rune drops. However, it is important to note that the rarity of the rune does not matter when leveling up a rune. As a result, farming lower tier Challenge Dungeons for multiple grey runes is the best levelling farm.

After you’re done farming the lower tier Challenge Dungeons, you can dissolve the newly leveled runes for Rune Fragments. You can either create more hammers with the fragments, or you can spend them at a crafter for a Rune Chance Chest.

Alternative Ways to Obtain Runes

Another few ways of obtaining runes is through the following methods:

  • Rune Bundles from completing open world events.
  • Collecting a reward of 55 Rune Chance Chests from the Weekly Reward tab.
  • Rune drops from Guild Boss weekly kills.

Throne and Liberty Runes Guide Conclusion

Thank you for checking out our Throne and Liberty Runes guide. For more information on the various systems Throne and Liberty has, check out our main page.