Greatsword - Dagger

Longbow - Staff

Staff - Dagger

Crossbow - Daggers

Longbow - Dagger

Wand - Longbow

Wand - Dagger


Sword & Shield - Greatsword

Sword and Shield - Dagger

Sword and Shield - Wand


In order to gain access to Taedal’s Tower floor 14 you must be level 39 and have completed floor 13. On this floor you will encounter a boss named Old Wizard’s eye. This boss has some very hard hitting attacks, and quite a few AoE abilities. There is a one shot mechanic in this fight that you will need to be aware of in order to progress to the next floor. This fight is all about timing and learning the rotation of abilities.

This guide will tell you everything you need to know in order to be successful on Taedal’s Tower floor 14 and progress to the next floor. For more general information about Taedal’s Tower you can check our Taedal’s guide here.

Taedal's Tower Floor 14 - Out of Site

Abilities & Mechanics

In order to defeat the Old Wizard’s eye you will need to know the rotation of abilities. Knowing the rotation will greatly help you time one of the abilities that has the capability to one shot you and end your run. This fight is all about timing.


The boss has the following abilities you need to be aware of:

  • Spin – The Old Wizard’s Eye will spin in circle and beam it’s tentacles. This will create create an AoE that covers the entire arena, so this ability can not be dodged. However, this ability can be blocked. Make sure you look out for the purple block circle and time your block accordingly in order to negate the ability. If you are hit you will be stunned for a short duration.
  • Fire Circles – The boss will momentarily charge with energy and then release that energy creating 3 AoE circles at your location. Make sure you move out of the circles quickly in order to avoid taking damage.
  • Smash – The Old Wizard’s Eye will smash into the ground three times. This will unleash a strong AoE that covers the entire arena. You can not dodge or block this ability. However, you can jump right as you see the boss descending from his jump. If you are in the air when the boss hits the ground you will not take damage. Be prepared to jump 3 times in order to avoid the entire sequence of the ability.
  • Ground AoE – This is the main mechanic of the fight. You must time this correctly or you will be caught in a deadly AoE that will deal massive damage and potentially one shot you. The boss will charge up a beam of energy in front of him. A large AoE then covers the entire surface area of the arena in front of the boss. You will be slowed when hit with the AoE, and must make your way out of the area before the boss smashes into the ground. You have 3 seconds to exit the area before you take massive damage.
Taedal's Tower Floor 14 - Out of Site

Strategy & Ability Sequence

A good strategy to take down the boss is to stay within melee range. This is because most of his abilities cover the entire arena anyway, and if you are too far away from the boss when he performs the Ground AoE ability you will die and your run will be over.

Make sure you are paying attention to the purple block circle and time your blocks accordingly or this could also lead to a quick death. When the boss casts Fire Circles you can slowly rotate around him in order to avoid the damage, but be ready for a follow ability as soon as the circles are over. So, it’s a good idea to not spread out the circles too much so you have room to move.

Knowing the sequence of abilities will also greatly increase you chances of clearing Taedal’s Tower Floor 14. You can position yourself closer to the boss whenever you know the Ground AoE is about the happen. This will allow you to quicky move to the backside of the boss into the safe area to avoid death.

Taedal's Tower Floor 14 - Out of Site

Ability Sequence

The sequence of abilities are as follows:

  • Spin
  • Spin
  • Fire Circles
  • Ground Smash
  • Ground AoE

In the above sequence you have a few seconds after Ground Smash before Ground AoE is cast. So, if you find yourself a little away from the boss make sure you immediately move towards him after Ground Smash is finished.

  • Spin
  • Fire Circles
  • Spin
  • Ground Smash
  • Fire Circles
  • Ground AoE

The Ground AoE in this sequence happens fairly quickly after the Fire Circles.

  • Spin
  • Ground Smash
  • Fire Circles
  • Spin
  • Spin
  • Ground Smash
  • Ground AoE

Immediately after the 3rd smash the boss will cast Ground AoE. It’s important that you time your jump correctly for the 3rd smash so that you can immediately begin to run past the boss as soon as the 3rd boss jump has ended.

  • Spin
  • Fire Circles
  • Spin
  • Spin
  • Ground Smash
  • Fire Circles
  • Spin
  • Ground AoE

The Ground AoE will happen immediately after the spin. If you do not perfectly block the spin you will be stunned in the Ground AoE ability and die. Be ready to block and then move behind the boss to safety.

By this time you should have the boss low enough to finish him off before another full sequence of abilities.


Rare Armor Growthstone6
Rare Weapon Growthstone3
Rare Accessory Growthstone4
Quality Recovery Crystal5

The rewards can only be obtained one time.

All Floors

1Charging Gatekeeper15
2 Rushing Queen Spider17
3 Screams and a Healing Song19
4Spinning Goblins20
5Warrior’s Cry22
6Finding the Piton in the Flames24
7The Bound26
8Poisons, Explosion, and Detox Herbs28
9Dance of the Flashing Sword30
10Commander’s Shadow Strike35
11Maze of Death36
12Answers in the Sand37
13 Drop! Lightning! Destroy!38
14Out of Sight39
15Stealers and Retrievers40
16Precise Moment41
17Unbreakable Shield of Cooperation42
18Swirling Firestorm43
19Reaching for Higher44
20Revenge and Resurrection45