Greatsword - Dagger

Longbow - Staff

Staff - Dagger

Crossbow - Daggers

Longbow - Dagger

Wand - Longbow

Wand - Dagger


Sword & Shield - Greatsword

Sword and Shield - Dagger

Sword and Shield - Wand


Eximus enemies in Warframe are a special variant of enemy. These enemies are also referred to as “Heavy Units”. Eximus enemies are enemies that have special abilities, increased stats, and increased resistances compared to their normal version. These enemies also have overguard, which is a health buff that makes them immune to crowd control effects until the overguard is removed.

Eximus enemies in Warframe can appear in any mission type. They will spawn at the same level as other enemy units. However, they will not appear until a minimum of 60 seconds have elapsed in the mission. You can easily identify an Eximus unit by their larger size and special aura around them. They also often have unique skins that set them apart from their normal version.

Eximus Enemies in Warframe

Rewards for Defeating Eximus

Defeating an Eximus unit will reward you heavily compared to normal enemies. Taking down an Eximus will reward you with 500-750 credits, and will also give an additional 1,000 base affinity over their normal version. They will also drop one energy orb, two health orbs, and either primary or secondary ammo every time you take one down. Eximus units over level 30 also have a chance to drop a Riven sliver.

Eximus Types

There are several different type of Eximus enemies in Warframe. Almost any type of base unit can spawn as an Eximus. However, certain units can only spawn as a particular Eximus type. Many of the Eximus types have different names for the different factions. For example, Arctic / Frozen / & Cryonic are all basically the same. However, the type of enemy changes the name of the Eximus unit. The Eximus types consist of the following:

TypeEnemy FactionDamage TypeAbility
ArcticAll Cold— Aura that reduces movement speed
— Snow Globe Shield with 10,000 base health lasts for 20 seconds. Protects units inside from ranged attacks.
FrozenInfestedCold— Aura that reduces movement speed
— Snow Globe Shield with 10,000 base health lasts for 20 seconds. Protects units inside from ranged attacks.
CryonicElementa CulverinsCold— Aura that reduces movement speed
— Snow Globe Shield with 10,000 base health lasts for 20 seconds. Protects units inside from ranged attacks.
— Mortar attack that leaves a lingering cloud of cold. Running in it the cloud will give you a cold proc.
BlitzAllBlast– Releases a shockwave in a forward line. Deals blast damage and inflicts knockdown. Also inflicts a blast proc.
VolatileInfestedBlast— Releases a shockwave in a forward line. Deals blast damage and inflicts knockdown. Also inflicts a blast proc.
Energy LeechAllMagnetic— Spawns and energy leech zone that lasts 3 seconds. It deals magnetic damage and applies a magnetic proc.
ParasiticInfestedMagnetic— Spawns and energy leech zone that lasts 3 seconds. It deals magnetic damage and applies a magnetic proc.
LeechAllHealth Leech— Will spawn a 3 meter health leech AoE. Drains 5% max health per hit at a rate of 3 hit / second. Also heals the Eximus unit and its allies by 10% of their max health per hit.
SanguineInfestedHealth Leech— Will spawn a 3 meter health leech AoE. Drains 5% max health per hit at a rate of 3 hit / second. Also heals the Eximus unit and its allies by 10% of their max health per hit.
ShockAllElectricity— Releases 3 electricity orbs that move toward you. You can shoot the orbs to destroy them.
BioelectricInfestedElectricity— Releases 3 electricity orbs that move toward you. You can shoot the orbs to destroy them.
GalvanicElementa CulverinsElectricity— Releases 3 electricity orbs that move toward you. You can shoot the orbs to destroy them.
— Mortar attack that leaves a lingering cloud of electricity. Standing in it will inflict an electricity proc.
ArsonGrineerHeat— Releases a 30 meter radius fire blast that deals 400 heat damage. The damage is not scaled by enemy level. Also inflicts a knockdown. You can roll through the blast to avoid all damage.
GuardianCorpus / MurmurShielded— Surrounded by 3 rotation shields that are invulnerable to punch through. Also gives the Eximus 90% damage reduction to area of effect attacks.
VenomousInfestedToxin— Emits a potent toxin aura in a 3 meter radius that deals 30 toxin damage. The damage is scaled with enemy level and has a 200% status chance.
SepticElementa Arcocanids / CulverinsToxin— Emits a potent toxin aura in a 3 meter radius that deals 30 toxin damage. The damage is scaled with enemy level and has a 200% status chance.
— Mortar attack that leaves a lingering cloud of toxin. Standing in it will inflict a toxin proc.
Jade LightAllHeat— Casts satellite lasers above players heads that will follow them for 8 seconds. Lasers deal 30 heat damage with 200% status chance every 0.5 seconds. Sequential hits by the laser deal double the damage of the previous hit.

Special Eximus Types

There are also 2 special Eximus enemy types that are called a Prosecutor and a Warden.

The Prosecutor type is unique to the guardsmen enemies. Prosecutors project and aura that grants resistance to almost all damage types. However, it lowers their resistance to their corresponding damage type. These enemies do not have overguard like a normal Eximus, but they do have 10x base health.

Wardens are units that possess life leech and increased movement speed. These units do not have overguard, but they have +1 base health.

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