Greatsword - Dagger

Longbow - Staff

Staff - Dagger

Crossbow - Daggers

Longbow - Dagger

Wand - Longbow

Wand - Dagger


Sword & Shield - Greatsword

Sword and Shield - Dagger

Sword and Shield - Wand

Introduction to our Wayfinder Weapon Guide

There are several different weapon categories in Wayfinder. In this Wayfinder weapon guide we’ll go over each of those categories, and how swapping to a different category will affect your character’s gameplay.

In Wayfinder, any character can equip any weapon in the game. When you equip a specific weapon you will change your weapon class and weapon mechanic. The weapon mechanic can be upgraded via the weapon mastery system.

You will also receive a weapon ability. The weapon ability is tied to the specific weapon and not the weapon category. Every weapon in Wayfinder has its own unique ability.

For example, equipping the named sword and shield “Bastion” will give you the power bash ability. With this ability, you can shield bash to do massive Impact and Guard Break damage. A different named sword and shield will come equipped with a different ability

Currently, there are four categories of weapons in the game:

  • Sword and Shield
  • Two-Handed
  • Daggers
  • Ranged

Sword and Shield

wayfinder sword and shield

Equipping a sword and shield will switch your weapon class to Guardian, and your weapon mechanic to Latent Power.


When you have the guardian weapon class activated by equipping a sword and shield you will switch to a balanced playstyle with a mix of offensive and defensive options.

  • Sword attacks deal additional health damage, while shield attacks deal additional break damage.
  • Shields benefit from an improved block over executioner weapons (see two-handed below), and blocking will convert all incoming damage to the stamina meter.
  • Timing an attack immediately after a successful block will perform a block counter. This will deal a large amount of damage. If the Latent Power meter is full, this will also bank a pip.

Latent Power

When you have a sword and shield equipped you will receive the Latent Power weapon mechanic.

  • Blocking and hitting enemies with melee attacks will build up the Latent Power meter.
  • When the meter is full, a block counter or shield slam attack will bank a pip next to the meter. You can store up to 3 levels this way.
  • Performing a weapon ability will consume all pips and power up the ability based on how many pips were used.

In order to perform a block counter or shield slam attack you can hold a heavy attack. You can also perform an air slam attack or as the final attack in the heavy attack combo.

List of Sword and Shields


wayfinder weapon guide

Equipping a two-hand weapon will switch your weapon class to Executioner, and your weapon mechanic to Momentum. The 2-handed weapon category encompasses weapons like the great axe, great sword, 2-handed mace, etc.


With the executioner weapon class, all melee attacks excel at dealing high damage to health and resilience.

  • Heavy input attacks are slower but will build additional Momentum (see below) and deal additional damage and break damage
  • A looping crossover combo can be performed by alternating light and heavy melee attacks when near the end of a combo tree or after a dash attack.
  • While not as effective as a shield, Executioner weapons are also capable of blocking attacks. Blocking will convert all incoming damage to the stamina meter.
  • While blocking, performing an attack input will result in a quick shoulder tackle. This will deal damage while reducing incoming damage.


When you have a 2 handed weapon equipped you will gain the Momentum weapon mechanic.

  • Build momentum as you swing the weapon, decaying quickly when not attacking.
  • As momentum builds, incoming resilience damage is reduced, allowing you to keep attacking for longer without being guard broken.
  • Performing a weapon ability will consume all momentum, and increase the power of the ability for each level of momentum consumed.

List of 2-Handed Weapons


Equipping daggers will switch your weapon class to Twin Strikers, and your weapon mechanic to Blade Dance.

Twin Strikers

With this weapon class, you will specialize in high frequency of attacks, high damage over time, and high mobility. However, you will deal low guard break damage as a trade-off.

  • You can perform a parry, and when timed correctly, will stagger attacking enemies and avoid damage.
  • Can perform flourishes for powerful attacks that also grant a short window of invulnerability.
  • Benefits greatly from heat of battle. You’re able to build up to a 3x multiplier over 20 hits, rather than a 2x multiplier over 10 hits like other melee weapons.
  • Your damage starts low, but ramps up greatly over the course of a dagger combo.

Blade Dance

When you have daggers equipped you will gain the Blade Dance weapon mechanic.

  • Build flourish points with every 4th consecutive melee attack.
  • If you tap the heavy input you will spend all the stored points.
  • You can perform different flourishes depending on how many flourish points are spent:
    • 0 flourish points: A weak spin attack.
    • 1 flourish point: Deals moderate damage and grants a small window of invulnerability during the attack. Also grants a 15-second weapon power buff.
    • 2 flourish points: Performs a powerful direct attack, refreshes weapon power buff, and grants a small window of invulnerability during the attack.
    • 3 flourish points: Performs a powerful area attack, refreshes weapon power buff, and grants a small window of invulnerability during the attack.
  • Each flourish point spend increases the blade dancer meter. When the meter is filled it allows the usf of the weapon ability.
  • Performing the weapon ability will also trigger blade dance, causing all weapon attacks to hit twice for a short period of time.

List of Daggers


Equipping a ranged weapon will switch your weapon class to Marksman, and your weapon mechanic to Eagle Eye.


The Marksman class is specialized for long-range combat. It’s balanced between power, fire rate, and distance. When you have a rifle equipped you will have infinite ammo. However, you do have a clip size. This means it must be reloaded to continue firing when it’s empty.

  • When reloading, an active reload mini-game will begin, and hitting the reload button or fire button again when in the designated window will result in a short-term boost of power. Missing the window will result in a longer loading time.
  • Your melee attacks will deal higher break damage.
  • Active reload bonus: 2x firing speed boost.
  • Partial resilience piercing: Rifles partially ignore damage reduction from armored enemies.

Eagle Eye

When you have a ranged weapon equipped you will gain the Eagle Eye weapon mechanic. When you shoot enemies you will build up the Eagle Eye meter. As it increases, the chance of a weak spot appearing on the enemy increases.

  • Shooting the weak spot will deal bonus damage and grant a locked and loaded charge, allowing a single use of the weapon ability.
  • Up to 3 locked and loaded charges can be stored at one time.

List of Ranged Weapons

Wayfinder Weapon Guide Conclusion

Changing your weapon in Wayfinder can define your class. Every Wayfinder can equip any category of weapon which can greatly change the way you play and build out your character. However, keep in mind that each weapon has a unique ability. The ability can also change the way you play and build out your Wayfinder.

That will do it for this Wayfinder weapon guide. For a list of every weapon in the game, you can check our Wayfinder Database! (Coming soon!)