Greatsword - Dagger

Longbow - Staff

Staff - Dagger

Crossbow - Daggers

Longbow - Dagger

Wand - Longbow

Wand - Dagger


Sword & Shield - Greatsword

Sword and Shield - Dagger

Sword and Shield - Wand


Hall of the Twisted Warlord is the 3rd Abyssal Dungeon in Lost Ark. You will need to reach item level 460 in order to enter this dungeon. The rewards for completing this dungeon include Tier 1 Accessories, Engraving Books, Ability Stones, Cards, and materials to craft unique gear sets. 

Similar to the second Abyssal Dungeon, Necromancers Origin, this dungeon requires team cooperation in order to complete it. The difficulty does increase with this dungeon. Hall of the Twisted Warlord introduces “timing”. If your team does not have perfect timing your combat items, time, and resources will drain.

You will encounter two main bosses in this dungeon. Your team will have to defeat them in order to complete the dungeon. Phantom Legion Rook & Bishop and Phantom Legion King are the two bosses you will encounter.

Hall of the Twisted Warlord Lost Ark

Phantom Legion Rook & Bishop (First Boss Encounter) Main Mechanics

Your group will have to fight against two bosses simultaneously during the first boss encounter in Hall of the Twisted Warlord, the Rook and the Bishop. This boss encounter has a wipe mechanic that players need to be aware of, and both of the bosses need to be killed at the same time or the remaining boss will enrage.

While enraged, the remaining boss gets a large damage buff. The remaining boss will also obtain some of the attacks from the boss that was defeated. The Bishop has lower HP and is easier to take down than the Rook. It’s recommended that groups slow damage on the Bishop in order to kill the bosses simultaneously. If your group can not manage to take them both down at the same time it’s recommended that you kill the Rook first and let the Bishop enrage because an enraged Rook is more difficult to take down than the enraged Bishop.

Wipe Mechanic

A few minutes into the fight the Rook will move to a random spot at the edge of the battleground. During this time the Bishop will remain stationary. A purple circle will surround 3 of the 4 group members when this happens. The circle will deal damage to any nearby players and will push them back.

After a few moments the Rook will fire a large projectile towards the only player that does not have a purple circle on them. This player will need to make the projectile hit and interrupt the Bishop in center of the battleground. Failing to interrupt the Bishop will result in a group wipe.

It is recommended that the 3 players that have the purple circles placed on them run towards the edge of the arena. This will give the remaining player plenty of room to line up with the Rook at the opposite side in order to aim the projectile at the Bishop in the center.

Towards the end of the boss fight the same wipe mechanic will occur. The Rook will also summon rock towers around the Bishop increasing the difficulty of the mechanic. The rock towers will block the projectile shot by the Rook. This will cause the group to wipe. Players should try to destroy the rock towers as soon as they spawn in.

Phantom Legion Rook & Bishop Lost Ark

Phantom Legion Rook & Bishop Notable Attacks

Phantom Legion Rook & Bishop has a few other attacks that players should be aware of as well:

Rook Punch and Swipe – The Rook will punch and then swipe his hand. The punch will stagger on hit and the swipe will knock you up on hit.

Rook Cross Flop – The Rook will leap forward slamming into the ground. The slam causes damage to be disbursed in a cross shaped pattern. This attack deals decent damage and knocks players up on hit. If enraged, this ability deals high damage.

Bishop Orbs – The Bishop will summon multiple orbs that explode after a short delay. The orbs will spawn in either a diamond shape around a player or in a random location. You will be knocked up and take a good amount of damage if hit by an exploding orb.

Bishop Orb Cross – An orb will spawn in each cardinal direction (N, E, S, W) and move toward the Bishop. If hit you will receive a low amount of damage. Once the orbs reach the Bishop another wave is sent out from the boss towards the edge of the arena. These orbs will deal a decent amount of damage and knock will knock players up on hit. You can avoid the second wave by moving to the area of the first wave.

Bishop Lasers – The Bishop shoots multiple waves of lasers towards the edge of the arena. These lasers deal a decent amount of damage and knock players up on hit.

Bishop Void Cracks – The boss summons cracks on the ground that deal damage to all nearby players.

Enraged Attacks

Enraged Bishop Lasers – The Bishop shoots 4 large lasers in all cardinal directions (N, S, E, W). The boss then shoots 4 more lasers in all ordinal directions (NE, NW, SE, SW). The lasers deal high amounts of damage and knock players back on hit.

Enraged Bishop Orb Cone – The boss shoots 5 orbs that spread out in a cone shape towards a player. These orbs deal low damage on hit.

Enraged Bishop Phantom Rook Cross Flop – The Bishop summons a Phantom Rook that performs the Rook Cross Flop ability. This ability deals a decent amount of damage and knocks players up on hit.

Phantom Legion King (Second Boss Encounter) Main Mechanics

The second boss in the Hall of the Twisted Warlord is the Phantom Legion King. This boss has a wipe mechanic that players need to be aware of. The Phantom Legion King also has multiple stagger checks. Your group will need to have classes with stagger skill or take the appropriate combat items like whirlwind grenade.

The Phantom Legion King will teleport to the center of the battleground at his 16th and 6th HP bar. After teleporting he will begin to channel his wipe mechanic. A purple barrier will protect him while he is channeling. You will need to use stagger abilities and combat items with the stagger Affix in order to interrupt the boss.

After the Legion King teleports to the center he will summon an Illusion sword for each player. If a player touches the sword it will disappear and it will debuff every player with an Illusion sword debuff. You will be able to see the debuff displayed above your mana or energy bar, and it lasts 2 seconds. Players must have the debuff in order to bypass the purple barrier. Trying to interrupt the boss without the debuff will wipe your entire group. You group will also be wiped if any player comes in contact with an Illusion sword while the debuff is active.

The Phantom Legion King Lost Ark

Tips to Avoid a Wipe

Your group should assign an order to pick up the swords prior to fight starting. Players should pick up the Illusion sword in a particular order, and then make sure 2 seconds have passed before the next player picks up a sword. As soon as the debuff disappears from your mana or energy bar the next player should pick up the sword. A player with stagger heavy abilities should pick up the illusion sword first and attack the boss.

The other players may need run away from the chasing sword for a couple seconds without touching it. Your group will need to avoid running into one another. Your group members should be spaced out and rotate either clockwise or counterclockwise around the arena to avoid running into one another. The direction should be decided prior to the fight starting.

You may be able to interrupt the boss prior to your entire group having to pick up their illusion swords. In this situation you should still complete the rotation or kite the swords around until they despawn. If the illusion sword debuff is overlapped your group will still wipe even if the boss has been interupted.

Phantom Legion King Notable Attacks

The Phantom Legion King has a few other attacks that players should be aware of as well:

Sword Swing – The boss will swing his sword up to 3 times. The swings deal low damage and stagger players on hit.

Sword Burst – The Legion King will slash his sword and send up to 3 bursts towards a player. This attack deals a decent amount of damage and knocks players up on hit.

Ghost Swords – He boss will summon several small swords that hit the ground at various locations. These blades deal low damage and stagger players that are hit.

Large Ghost Swords – The Legion king summons a several large swords that drop straight down from the sky onto designated highlighted areas. These swords deal a decent amount of damage to everyone in the impact area.

Dash and Dive – The boss will dash and then teleport above a player. He then drops down with his sword aimed towards the ground. Upon impact the boss deals AoE damage to anyone in the area. This ability deals a decent amount of damage and knocks up players.

Ghost Shurikens – The Legion King summons 5 large shurikens at the edge of the arena. The shurikens will move slowly towards the boss. You will receive continuous damage if caught in a shuriken, and will be staggered.

Jump – The boss will jump up to three times successively. One the jumps are complete he will then finish off with a frontal cone attack that will deal a decent amount of damage and knock players up on hit.

Dash – The Legion King will dash up to three times successively. Once the dashes are complete he will then finish off with a frontal cone attack that will deal a decent amount of damage and knock players up on hit.